
The Famous Belly Shots....

Okay, so I have been putting off this picture for the longest time and now I guess with Aron on the way I can finally post them. Aron was so high in my chest at one point in time that now seeing him so low is funny to me. I have been blessed to have had a healthy pregnancy, and now I just can't wait to see my baby boy!

I am just sad that my family hasn't been able to enjoy it as much as I have. I was on the phone with my mother (Johnnie FaluMendoza) the other day when the doctor told me that I was 1cm dilated and she thought I was in the hospital about to have the baby. She started yelling at me saying that I couldn't have the baby yet, it was funny. But I will be sad if my mom can't make it. The only reason that my mom probably won't make it is because of here job. She has a conference in D.C. December 5-10th but she is on the first flight to Louisville when the conference is over. I had a dream last night, because we have been telling the baby to wait until the 10th that he is going to come on the 10th but my mom is going to be at the airport without a way to get to the hospital and she will just miss the baby being born by like 10 minutes. Needless to say it was a nightmare... Okay, well I think that's enough for right now.

Peace, Love, & Hair Grease!!

1 comment:

Demi said...

You will probably make it to the 10th it's your first baby!