
December 2, 2008

Aron, still hasn't come out yet. My dad, (Tacuma O. Yero) came into town early to make sure he didn't miss anything but Aron is still looking pretty good to come next week. Of course I am having my days were I just don't think things are going to work but then I think of Aron, my son, and how beautiful he is going to look when I first see him and then it really doesn't matter as long as he has 4 fingers and a thumb on each hand and 5 toes on each foot. And of course his male part. Two beautiful eyes, hair, 2 ears, etc. I have been having weird dreams, like the one time I dreamed I gave birth to a Cabbage Patch Doll. Then the other time I dreamed we were in the hospital and I had lost the baby but it turned out that he was just sleeping on his daddy's head. Just weird stuff like that. My husband says that I worry to much but I don't have anything else to do but worry. The car is in the shop, but thank the Almighty that we are having it fixed, I just hope that the car will get fixed before the baby gets here because it would really suck if I had to take TARC to the hospital. I had a better Thanksgiving then I thought I was going to have, Aron, Sr, cooked dinner at his brother's house and we went over there to eat. It was the first time that the Pryor Brothers (Karl & Aron) were together for Thanksgiving in a long time and Linda (Their Mom) wasn't there. But it was a good meal. Linda is the one person I miss the most. She's the reason why we are calling the baby Aron, she used to joke how she couldn't wait to see little Aron's and Abbie's running around. I miss her... Well this is my first Blog posting and I hope it was a good one. Once I figure where my husband put the baby photos I will put them up. I'm headed to Walmart now, on the handy-dandy TARC (I ride for free).

Peace, Love & Hair Grease!!

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