
My Labor & Delievery

Many people have asked me how the delivery was and what was the epidural like....well here is the answer.

Most people fear the epidural but I was just so happy to see Dr. Shah I could have cared less if he used an elephant tranquilizer. When getting the hose for the epidural, I can feel the hose bouncing around my spine it feels weird & then there's an icy feeling when the liquid starts to flow and I could slowly feel the contraction fade away, & then I couldn't feel them at all.

The major contractions started when I woke up on Sunday and I had the feeling that at some point that day I was going to have a baby. My contractions were never that bad, it was more discomfort than painful but I was very happy when I got the epidural. I turned on the TV and watched Batman Begins until it was time to see Aron Jr. My labor wasn't that bad, it went by quickly. I was 2 cm on Thursday, got my nails done Saturday, felt some mild contractions Saturday night. Sunday I woke up and really started feeling constant contrations. Aron had to go work and I sent him a text message saying that when he comes home we are going to the hospital. When he got off, he came home and wanted to know if I really wanted to go to the hospital. By that time, a couple of hours had past, because I had watched Hancock & was in the middle of Wanted. I told Aron to make me an egg sandwich and I was going to take a shower before we THINK about going to the hospital. When I got out of the shower I felt this small short contraction and then I sat down and my water broke. (It felt like I sat on a water balloon) We were at the hospital in 30 minutes, the nurse checked me I was 4 cm. Two hours later 6 cm and then they gave me the epidural. After the Epi my contractions slowed down and they had to give me patosin. I turned on the TV and then I was 8 cm. Got on the phone started calling people and then I had to tell Aron to bring the nurse back because I want to push. She said that I probably wasn't ready yet but I was 10 cm and she could feel his head. She said let's try some practice pushing because it takes people a couple of tries to get it down. But she told me to stop because if I had continued to push Aron was going to catch the baby instead of the doctor. It happened so fast I think I was pushing for 15 minutes and then there he was. I was in the labor room for about 5-6 hours. It was a wonderful experience and now that I have gone through it I can say that I'll have more children with my lovely husband. Almost all of the women I have talked to, nurses included, said that I had a quick and easy deliver for it being my first time. I can't tell you what I did or didn't do that made me as blessed as I am but I can tell everyone I was so scared out of my mind that I prayed like none other.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are the greatest, Abbie...Welcome to Motherhood! I'm so proud of you!