
My Labor & Delievery

Many people have asked me how the delivery was and what was the epidural like....well here is the answer.

Most people fear the epidural but I was just so happy to see Dr. Shah I could have cared less if he used an elephant tranquilizer. When getting the hose for the epidural, I can feel the hose bouncing around my spine it feels weird & then there's an icy feeling when the liquid starts to flow and I could slowly feel the contraction fade away, & then I couldn't feel them at all.

The major contractions started when I woke up on Sunday and I had the feeling that at some point that day I was going to have a baby. My contractions were never that bad, it was more discomfort than painful but I was very happy when I got the epidural. I turned on the TV and watched Batman Begins until it was time to see Aron Jr. My labor wasn't that bad, it went by quickly. I was 2 cm on Thursday, got my nails done Saturday, felt some mild contractions Saturday night. Sunday I woke up and really started feeling constant contrations. Aron had to go work and I sent him a text message saying that when he comes home we are going to the hospital. When he got off, he came home and wanted to know if I really wanted to go to the hospital. By that time, a couple of hours had past, because I had watched Hancock & was in the middle of Wanted. I told Aron to make me an egg sandwich and I was going to take a shower before we THINK about going to the hospital. When I got out of the shower I felt this small short contraction and then I sat down and my water broke. (It felt like I sat on a water balloon) We were at the hospital in 30 minutes, the nurse checked me I was 4 cm. Two hours later 6 cm and then they gave me the epidural. After the Epi my contractions slowed down and they had to give me patosin. I turned on the TV and then I was 8 cm. Got on the phone started calling people and then I had to tell Aron to bring the nurse back because I want to push. She said that I probably wasn't ready yet but I was 10 cm and she could feel his head. She said let's try some practice pushing because it takes people a couple of tries to get it down. But she told me to stop because if I had continued to push Aron was going to catch the baby instead of the doctor. It happened so fast I think I was pushing for 15 minutes and then there he was. I was in the labor room for about 5-6 hours. It was a wonderful experience and now that I have gone through it I can say that I'll have more children with my lovely husband. Almost all of the women I have talked to, nurses included, said that I had a quick and easy deliver for it being my first time. I can't tell you what I did or didn't do that made me as blessed as I am but I can tell everyone I was so scared out of my mind that I prayed like none other.


11 days old...

Aron Jr had his first doctor's visit yesterday. Dr. Karl Pryor, Jr (We are so proud!!) is his doctor and said that our baby boy is doing well. When he was born, Aron weighed 5 lbs 15 oz and yesterday he weighed 6 lbs 11 oz, which is a load off my shoulders because I thought I was doing something wrong when I breastfeed, but obviously not. We would have taken some pictures but the room was too small. It was so great that Karl is Aron's doctor, we don't get a discount but it's still good. ;) I still can't believe that I have a son! I have a beautiful little boy that counts on me for life My Dad (Tacuma) left today, I was sad and wanted to go to the bus with him but Aron woke up when they were getting ready to leave so I couldn't go. Of course I gave him a hug and started crying because I didn't want him to go. He is going to miss Aron growing up but we said that we are going to get a web cam so that he can see him. Of course there will be lots of pictures, that's a given. While he was here he kept saying that it was wild to see me with a child, it felt to him that I was babysitting. Which to tell you the truth I felt the same way to, except in the middle of the night when Aron had a 3 am feeding. I knew he was mine then because only someone that I truly love would get me up in the middle of the night. I can see Aron filling out in the face and feel that he is getting heavier. I have a son!! Aron Sr & I made a child and he is healthy, beautiful and calm. I love it...


More Pictures....

Here are more pictures of our picture perfect baby. Isn't he the cutest. I can't beleive that we are parents.... Look at all that hair!!

He's here....

Aron Jr. finally made his grand apperence on December 7th at 9:27pm. He was in a hurry but he was happy to get here. He weighs 5lb 15 oz, 19 1/2 inch. Both the baby and I are doing fine. We will be leaving the hospital probably by Tuesday but if anyone wants to stop by or call feel free.


The Famous Belly Shots....

Okay, so I have been putting off this picture for the longest time and now I guess with Aron on the way I can finally post them. Aron was so high in my chest at one point in time that now seeing him so low is funny to me. I have been blessed to have had a healthy pregnancy, and now I just can't wait to see my baby boy!

I am just sad that my family hasn't been able to enjoy it as much as I have. I was on the phone with my mother (Johnnie FaluMendoza) the other day when the doctor told me that I was 1cm dilated and she thought I was in the hospital about to have the baby. She started yelling at me saying that I couldn't have the baby yet, it was funny. But I will be sad if my mom can't make it. The only reason that my mom probably won't make it is because of here job. She has a conference in D.C. December 5-10th but she is on the first flight to Louisville when the conference is over. I had a dream last night, because we have been telling the baby to wait until the 10th that he is going to come on the 10th but my mom is going to be at the airport without a way to get to the hospital and she will just miss the baby being born by like 10 minutes. Needless to say it was a nightmare... Okay, well I think that's enough for right now.

Peace, Love, & Hair Grease!!


I found pictures! Now some of these pictures are to take you back to when Aron & I first started dating and some of these pictures are to let you know who Aron Senior is, after all, I didn't do this all by myself...

The First Picture is Aron being he usual "cool" self.

The Second Picture is of Aron & myself back when we were in college together. We were out with friends that evening.
The Third Picture is Aron doing his "photog" I think he was the cameraman for a concert he helped put together.

The last pictures are of our wonderful bundle of joy...Aron Larnelle Pryor, Jr.

December 2, 2008

Aron, still hasn't come out yet. My dad, (Tacuma O. Yero) came into town early to make sure he didn't miss anything but Aron is still looking pretty good to come next week. Of course I am having my days were I just don't think things are going to work but then I think of Aron, my son, and how beautiful he is going to look when I first see him and then it really doesn't matter as long as he has 4 fingers and a thumb on each hand and 5 toes on each foot. And of course his male part. Two beautiful eyes, hair, 2 ears, etc. I have been having weird dreams, like the one time I dreamed I gave birth to a Cabbage Patch Doll. Then the other time I dreamed we were in the hospital and I had lost the baby but it turned out that he was just sleeping on his daddy's head. Just weird stuff like that. My husband says that I worry to much but I don't have anything else to do but worry. The car is in the shop, but thank the Almighty that we are having it fixed, I just hope that the car will get fixed before the baby gets here because it would really suck if I had to take TARC to the hospital. I had a better Thanksgiving then I thought I was going to have, Aron, Sr, cooked dinner at his brother's house and we went over there to eat. It was the first time that the Pryor Brothers (Karl & Aron) were together for Thanksgiving in a long time and Linda (Their Mom) wasn't there. But it was a good meal. Linda is the one person I miss the most. She's the reason why we are calling the baby Aron, she used to joke how she couldn't wait to see little Aron's and Abbie's running around. I miss her... Well this is my first Blog posting and I hope it was a good one. Once I figure where my husband put the baby photos I will put them up. I'm headed to Walmart now, on the handy-dandy TARC (I ride for free).

Peace, Love & Hair Grease!!