
Aron's Nursery

This is Aron's room. It took us a while to finish it, but we have it finished. The theme of the room is Airplanes & Helicopters. Thank everyone for helping with his nursery, you all are a life-saver.


More Pictures

Day Two of Photo Shoots.

Photo Sessions

We had a photo shot in the living room last night. And then we watched the news and saw that it was going to be 14 degrees so we also put plastic on the windows so we could keep the baby nice and warm. The shoot was funny because AJ kept trying to crawl off the towels and then when Aron was holding him, AJ started to pee, he almost caught the camera, it was funny. Unfortunately I am a little under the weather but a mother's job is never done so hopefully I can get back to 100% pretty quickly. It still blows my mind that I am a mother... I mean I love AJ and I can't remember what life was like before him but it just tickles me at the things that he does. I have found that he sleeps great on his side or belly and when he has gas, he will lift his butt up and pass gas. It's so funny! It's those things that make me laugh.


Mobile Pictures

I took these pictures with my cell phone and they came out pretty good. So it has been 5 1/2 weeks and the baby and I are still doing good. He is starting to sleep more which is good. Let's hope that lasts. We are going to make our first trip out of the house this weekend. We are going to church, everybody (aron sr too!) This is going to be a qucik post, I think Aron Jr is starting to wake up...