
Aron Jr.

Okay so everyone knows that I started work this week, so Aron Sr watches the baby until it's time for him to go to work. This is what he does...


My Baby's first TOOTH!!!!!

It's just starting to peak through, but it's there!! You gotta look close.


Aron about a month ago

Sorry this took so long to post but I hope you enjoy. Now that we know how to do it, you will be seeing more of Baby Aron.


Aron & Aron


Auntie Jackie!!

It was so great to have family come for a visit. Mom & Auntie Jackie were so funny, they were taking turns who would sit in he backseat with AJ and who would hold him, basically everything! We really miss everyone hopefully we will be able to make it in June!


Grandma & Abuelo's First Visit

I apologize for the long wait but we had to get a new computer.


Here are some pictures that Aron took of AJ just randomly one day.


Me & my Baby!!

Okay so I was feeling kind of bad yesturday! I was really missing my family and got mad when I saw how dirty our house got. The laundry seemed like a mountain and Lil Aron was crying, plus I was tired from our day trip to the mall. Anyway I thought that taking a picture with my son would make me feel good and it did!

I Got A New Camera!!!

Aron Sr got me a new camera for Valentines day and of course I took it for a spin! Now that I can take pictures of my own you will be seeing a lot more of my little "Baby"!!